What To Do About Your Erectile Dysfunction

erectile dysfunction According to recent research, one in three people with a penis will face erectile dysfunction in their lifetimes with some 30 million Americans currently affected with the condition right now. There are current estimates in the field suggesting this number may increase. This is to say that this disorder is incredibly common. Erectile dysfunction, or ED, can be a potentially debilitating condition that, even if it is temporary, can affect an individual’s confidence, mood, and general outlook and approach to life. From ointments to supposed online pills, there are a wide variety of proposed solutions that claim to be able to help with ED.

If you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction, we at Atlas Men’s Clinic have compiled a list of ways to help with ED, help return your confidence, and therefore have you standing straight and erect. Keep reading to learn of ways you can handle your ED.

Who Is Affected By Erectile Dysfunction? 

As ED is classified as a disorder that occurs when someone with a penis can’t have or maintain an erection. A weak erection, or an unsustained erection, can also be classified as ED. Though anyone can be affected by ED and, in fact, most people will at some point in their lives be affected by it, ED is more common in those who are older, have circulatory issues that can be related to conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure, have had nerve or spinal cord injuries, have had injuries to the groin, penis, or pelvis, are on certain medications such as antidepressants, have anxiety or are in a period of high stress, are overweight, and smoke.

What Are Some Ways To Treat Erectile Dysfunction? 

Treatment of ED depends on the cause. For example, if it is stress that may be causing your ED, removing yourself from the stressor, or practicing grounding techniques such as deep breathing and meditation, can help. If an underlying physical issue may be causing your ED, visiting a doctor to help understand the problem is the first step.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatments At Atlas Men’s Clinic

At Atlas Men’s Clinic, we know how vital it is to address ED. That’s why we have two forms of treatment at our clinic that our trained doctors and teams are capable of administering. Shockwave therapy, which utilizes shockwaves to encourage new penile tissue growth, and also a penis pump that can help maintain and keep an erection for as long as you need.

As ED is a disorder unique to the individual, we believe the solution should be too. Come into any one of our three California locations or call us at 323-677-2013 to schedule an appointment!

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Atlas Men’s Clinic

Los Angeles, CA

8631 West 3rd Street Suite 1115
Los Angeles, CA 90048

San Diego

8881 Fletcher Pkwy Suite 250
La Mesa, CA 91942


3941 San Dimas St Suite 103A
Bakersfield, CA 93301

Office Hours

Los Angeles
Monday-Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm

San Diego
Monday-Friday: 7:30am-5:00pm

Monday-Friday: 8:30am-5:00pm


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