What Are Some Signs That I Have Low Testosterone?

low testosteroneLow testosterone is something that many men struggle with. Oftentimes, they are too embarrassed to speak with a doctor about the matter. But, there are plenty of ways to treat low testosterone. The first step towards feeling like the man that you want to be is understanding what the telling signs are of low testosterone. That is what we are going to discuss in today’s blog.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Reduced Sex Drive

Reduced sex drive is one of the most telling symptoms of low testosterone. If you have noticed that your sex drive has been lower than usual, there is a good chance that this is the reason behind it.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is common in people who have low testosterone. This goes hand-in-hand with having a reduced sex drive.

Depressed Mood/Decrease in Endurance

Low testosterone can contribute to a depressed mood and a decrease in endurance.

Increased Body Fat

When you have low testosterone your physical performance decreases and it is more difficult to burn fat. This makes an increase in body fat a sign that your testosterone could be lacking.


Gynecomastia is the enlargement of the male breast tissue. This is a common symptom that is associated with low testosterone levels. This can be an embarrassing thing to deal with as a man and can lead to a decrease in self-confidence.

Treat Your Testosterone With Us 

Low testosterone can affect you and the people around you. If you are struggling with any of the symptoms that we talked about in this blog, then it may be time to speak with a doctor to see what your best options are. Atlas Men’s Clinic is the perfect place to go to treat your low testosterone. With locations in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Bakersfield, we take pride in serving all of Southern California. The doctors here possess extensive experience in the medical field, specializing in sexual health and wellness. Contact us today at 323-677-2013 for our Los Angeles location, 619-932-4461 for our San Diego location, and 661-443-3375 for our Bakersfield location. Or visit us online at atlasmensclinic.com to schedule your consultation.

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Atlas Men’s Clinic

Los Angeles, CA

8631 West 3rd Street Suite 1115
Los Angeles, CA 90048

San Diego

8881 Fletcher Pkwy Suite 250
La Mesa, CA 91942


3941 San Dimas St Suite 103A
Bakersfield, CA 93301

Office Hours

Los Angeles
Monday-Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm

San Diego
Monday-Friday: 7:30am-5:00pm

Monday-Friday: 8:30am-5:00pm


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